As a vaper, how can you miss these?
In the last week, Elegomall uploaded a lot of new products, there are several special unique! OK, let’s see the details Kanger DRIPEZ Starter kit Kanger DRIPEZ Starter kit , features a liquid pump which is placed on top of the included bottle. A tube connects directly from the pump to the DRIP EZ RBA which allows liquid to be delivered directly into your cotton. The max capacity is 15ml. Kanger JUPPI Starter Kit Kanger Juppi Starter Kit , features the Juppi TC Box Mod and the Juppi Tank. Replaceable cotton. Kanger Cupti 2 Kanger CUPTI 2 all in one starter kit. Kanger CUPTI Starter Kit max wattage is 75W and the CUPTI 2 requires 18650 battery to provide 80W larger output power which can be upgraded to 100W by firmware. About this two products are used CLOCC Coil . Main Features: MTL: Mouth-to-Lung High resistence, low power, good taste DL: Direct Lung Low resistence, high power, big vapor (PS...